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On This Day: Maggie L. Walker Was Born

Veronica Carr

#OTD- July 15, 1864

#MaggieLenaWalker was born in #RichmondVA to Elizabeth Draper, formerly enslaved, and Eccles Cuthbert, an Irish American journalist.

Walker was the first known woman and African American to charter a bank in the United States, #StLukesPennySavingsBank. She championed help for the poor and gave loans to African American businesses.

"Let us have a bank that will take the nickels and turn them into dollars."

In 2017, Richmond honored Walker with a statue.

The #NegroHistoryDetective recently visited her #NationalParkServiceHistoricSite on #LeighStreet in #JacksonWard. The street was once known as #QualityRow because of its opulent homes owned by successful African Americans.

I also stopped at the monument to Walker.

I highly recommend journeying to #RichmondVA to explore the legacy of this pioneering businesswoman and philanthropist.

The artifacts in the first collage:

1) 1934 Memorial Program for Maggie Lena Walker

2) July 23, 1919 letter signed by Walker discussing the 300th anniversary of the first enslaved Africans to arrive in #JamestowneVirginia

3) January 1, 1925 St. Luke's Penny Savings Bank Check

This is part of a larger Maggie Lena Walker collection within the Nanny Jack & Co Archives

Artifacts courtesy of Nanny Jack & Co Archives



 Nanny Jack & Co, LLC


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